I'm getting frustrated because I'm playing in the sewers at level 56 and whenever lower ranked players or archers join me with armors in the eighty's to ninety's they start dropping like flies then I have to resurrect them which usually gets me killed?
Before the cool down I could do it all and maybe that wasn't fair, but it's also not fair I spent 6 months and 1.900,000 dollars getting my characters to level 56 only to have my character function at about 75 percent capacity.
somebody told me to have a dexterity mage,I don't see how that will help so I've been playing a lot of games with only mages but I understand the other two classes play a major role in the game.
I just don't want to spend my whole game reviving people,it's a waste of my time and it's not fun! I miss the way my character use to be.
I was very irritable tonight so if I booted you or if I seemed tense I apologize. not feeling well.

I think im ready for a break I have not won a pink in 3 weeks the and the games not fun.
Do any of you mages find it irritating that you get yelled at for not reviving fast enough for these people have the audacity to come into a game with an armor of 61 or 82.
Tell me what you guys and gals think.