Hi all. I have ideas. first idea: a new pvp map. and the awakens will be reset on this map. so that they will be brought closer to equal conditions. In addition, the attack powers of all weapons can be equalized. such as the 46 level dragon sword and the 16 level frost sword. so whatever the level is, it will be a very rich map. it is possible to equalize the weapons with small jumbles. I want to see glintstone sets, dragon weapons in PVP. this and stuff like this...<br>
Second idea: I will describe it without advertising. we all know new pvp games. aim is to demolish the main tower. I&apos;m sure all of you understood what I mean. Would not it be nice to bring this system to my game? everyone will be equal or equal to the item. we will leave our existing items in a corner and talk a little bit about our talents. The STS team will be able to adapt it to the game in the best possible way. <br>

Last idea: Whatever the PvP is, it must be a prize. PvP leaderboard must be active.<br>

I expect your comments and criticisms. Ty all