So, I'm thinking about doing a type of Tips, Hints, and Tricks guide. This would be about telling others ways you've have found to play the game more effectively.

-- there would be things you do as a specific character to better help the team ( bears beckon to a corner or wall)
-- tips to counter the attacks of enemies (mages heal counters yeti freeze)
-- and things to avoid doing that can ruin others game play (selling items in the middle of a run)

I'm asking to see if players think there would be enough information to put in this kind of guide. It wouldn't have anything to do with beating specific enemies or have anything to do with build-a-character. Just some all around gaming knowledge to enlighten others that have yet to figure it out.

Also, if you think there is enough information out there to make this worthwhile, and you do want to contribute, I will put your knowledge in this guide with your name next to it so everyone knows who to thank.

So, what do you guys think?