First of all, background info, I am a dual lvl 55 pally with 139 strength and 139 intelligence.

In order to be able to switch to my high level gear (as a relavent example: Mega Mage's Gemstone Cowl, Mega Mages Gem Star wand, Mega Mages gemstone robes, and Mastermind's Gemstone Bracer) I need to equip low-level gear (Dreamer's Khafra Helm, Dreamer's Dark Wand, Khafra Cloth of Mastery, and Cyber Doll of the Cosmos).

Im not sure if loadouts change gear one at a time or as a group but I can switch from nothing to my low level gear, in which the Cyber Doll requires 154 Int to equip on its own. With this my Int is 171.

This brings my to my concern.

Mega Mage's Gemstone Cowl need 173 int, Mega Mage's Gem Star Wand need 173, and the Robe and Bracer both require a minimum of 173 as well. Yet I, with my 171 Intelligence can change my loadout to use my High-level gear that requires just one more Int then I actually have.

Developers, you deliberately made it so we could not use the loadouts to equip a set even if we would have more then enough stats once we had the set equipped.

I may have severely misunderstood the loadouts; If so, please enlighten me. Otherwise, I wish you luck solving this issue.