Okay what I want to know is how I should gear and combo. Right now I am full Crystalline/earthquake. with exception of my demon claw. I use the 9+ damage 2% crit ring. I have tried using the Snipers Archery Cap. I like it more personally.

Soooo, on to the stat setup..... I use 6 in rage/stomp/ironblood/hellscream.

I reduce their damage to about 6-20 damage per hit, which I think is pretty good. And still kill other dexbears/dexmages in about 5-10 seconds. Unless they pop mana shield. which DESTROYS me. Which brings me to my real questions. How can I kill DexMages that pop manashield (without having to die first). Also how can I avoid/juke Hellscreams from OTHER bears.

Thanks for all input