Its been a great run and I've really enjoyed the game but I have had to uninstall.

The file size is now over 50mb and that is just too much.

Like 25% of Android users I am stuck on 2.1 which means I cannot store apps on the SD card and have to squeeze them onto the tiny phone memory.

I have 290mb total for apps which soon disappears after putting the essentials on.

It appears that the phone is frequently clearing the cache to free up some space which means I am downloading the patch about 2 -3 times a day.

Is there any chance of Spacetime Studios allowing us to keep a client installed on the phone memory and store the bulk of the data on the SD card? Gameloft and a number of other developers seem to do this just fine and it really helps those of us with limited space.

If the current situation is such an inconvenience to a quarter of android users it must surely be worth considering to bring in and retain new players?

Personally I'm going to have to give up on the game until they can make such a change (or my phone company releases 2.2 for my handset)