i got full MMG staff set in my bag , from lvl54 to push me lvl up faster ......

last week i become a lvl55 mage ,its my 1st lvl55 character

1st thing i do is replace my shadow set with MMG staff , become most powerful mage once again

shadow glow stick set , one of the best for lvl50s ,also most balance set for mage in game so far .

MMG staff set cost me more then 1.2M gold , but that is fine , it is much more power
then shadow glow stick set , 2h staff always do more DMG ,but MMG set got good armor , less hit% and crit% , high weapon DMG cove up the low crit% ,and my Dex make up the lost hit% as will

Right after i put on my MMG set , i got a enchanted MMG staff Recipe , i did save up mats from daily quest (thanks for Physiologic ' craft guide ) , i craft it ASAP and i
find myself lost the MMG set bonuses ...... my bad .....

i go back to read Physiologic ' craft guide one more time , find out i need complete Enchanted set to get set bonuses ,also i note that when you craft lv 55 pinks, you are SACRIFICING one attribute on your old pink and REPLACING it with a new attribute on your new pink. You not only gain when you craft a lv 55 pink, but you lose something as well. What's lost and gained is different between the dex, str, and int gears: (thanks for Physiologic again )

as you can see , Enchanted MMG staff set is sacrificing M/s to gain H/s , as a healing class also big aoe dmg class H/s not rly help much , but still nice , low M/s make me need to use mana potion some time in the boss fight (not that bad ,not like my hunter need too use mana potion like it's free , if with noob mage or tank i need use lots health potion too )

Enchanted MMG set get few more DMG too , few more int and 2% crit , but cost tons of mats , and for ppl like me don't want wait for drop it's a big cost on Recipe too , is
that rly worth it ??? 

btw i sold my glow stick set make about 1.5M (buy in @ about 700k) ,use to buy all the recipe ,also push my hunter to done all the per quest for all the daily to help on the mats , complete enchanted MMG staff set today (about a week after i wear MMG set).

Thanks for Physiologic's all the guides !!! , and all the nice player in PL ,without you i can done nothing and i am no one ...... and please keep the nice work
also help my hunter and my bear when you see them please . thx all

here is my bird

and my bear