OK so in this case I want to talk about how the price are given to the items because it's kinda confusing. The thing is that I got a aegis, yes I have few threads about her trying to sell it, tried also in-game but no one knows the price or how rare is that thing. That's OK for now right? But hmm I have talked to Bloody ( Most of you know it) and he told my my aegis is around 700k and I was like "Well, np". Today he listed his aegis which is 13 lvls higher than mine for like 8m( Mine is (3) , his is (16). And I was like "wait wtf man"
This is kinda confusing right? OK ok yes you will ask, but his is looking diffrent. That's right ye but they are from the same season, same rarity. I will give u photos of mine and photos of his.

Please someone explain me it because for it's really confusing. How the price is supposed to be placed on item??

Mine :


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