I use the consignment shop just about every time I get on PL like most people do and was thinking that it would be cool and also very useful not only to myself but to everyone that plays this game if there was an option to put an offer in the consignment shop for an item. What I mean by this is there would be an option to put an offer in to buy an item even if the item is not in the CS at the time.
Ex. If I want to buy a lvl 20 purple toy wand but nobody has it for sale in the CS at the time I can put an offer in for the wand (lets say 150k) and the CS would hold my money until someone puts the wand in the CS in my price range, or until I cancel my offer, or until my offer expires (we would set # of hours for the CS to hold our offer much like selling), but in the case that someone did put a wand up for sale in the CS in my price range my full 150k will automatically go to him/her (even if he/she put the wand in for sale at a lower price) and the toy wand will automatically sell to me and would be held for me in the shop until I go pick it up.

This would be helpful to everyone because it would be easier than having to go to the CS every 30 minutes waiting for an item that we want to be put in there, we would be able to put our offer in for an item and move on with doing dungeons or pvp.
If you're a dev please put this in the game it would be awesome and would be very useful, thanks!