This story begins one night a couple of weeks ago. I was about to purchase platinum through the in game store. In the process of selecting the amount i wished to purchase, which was 75 platinum, the application had completely closed down and my phone was acting very unusual. This all happened before i even logged into paypal to select and accept the purchase. After re-logging into my PL account, i once again logged into paypal and purchased 75 platinum. Then proceeding back to my PL account , i noticed that i suddenly had 220 platinum. After which i emailed support at spacetime to make them aware of the issue. At first I had thought that this was just some freak accident. Until today.

Today my account suddenly said that i have purchased and spent 5800 platinum in 2 months. Also, my credit card bill for April shows $1200 in various charges that were not mine. I have deduced that this information was somehow acquired through PL using my own screen name (of course i didn't lend my name and password to anyone like a fool). Seeing as how gold was actually purchased with platinum several times(for very large amounts) Not only did this person use the info for PL, but they had also used it for random other purchases using my PayPal account. How this is possible i do not know, But i Have already emailed Spacetime Studios Support and have yet to receive a response. I feel as though this issue might have been easier to resolve a couple of weeks ago when i had first noticed a problem. Not that PL or Spacetime is at fault, however

It is our responsibility and obligation as members of the PL community to

a) respect other people
b) follow the PL toS (which legally prohibits such behavior)
c) be a decent human being and not ruin other peoples gaming experience

My girlfriend and I have dedicated alot of Time to this game. We have loved playing it from the very beginning. It's a great way to have fun, meet people, kill time, and have all the fun of FF or Wow in your pocket. We've spent many hours making our characters awesome... and in the mean time helping friends finish cyber quests and mystery armor quests (which as a 55/56 is hard to bring yourself to do again), and we have even given away gold to lower levels or helped new players get gear for their chars. However, I now find myself very disturbed and almost fearful to play Pl and BlackStar(which we reserved our names for already).

We love playing Pl, grinding the hideout for pinks for hours on end, Helping people out with custom recipes so they have the right ingredients to forge, but now it makes us wonder why people have to be so self righteous, that they put themselves on a pedestal, flaunt their supposed "elitism" and unremorsefully steal from other individuals just because they have learned how to do it. Granted, if i were able to do such things I would feel very intelligent about how I know my way around a keyboard, but theres a moral boundary that you cross when you go from using your knowledge for the betterment of humanity to stealing random individuals credit card numbers because you dont want to go to work in the morning. With great power comes great responsibility and as PL players we have a responsibility to each other. I do not know what the outcome of this situation will be, but i hope that this may be a lesson for other people. Please respect each other guys, life is too short.




If there is any thing that anyone can do help,
or has any advice (that isn't obvious), please let us know.