Well, I'm here today to beg sts to do something VERY beneficial to all players. I would like to ask, that the daily event of doubling xp, happen more times in the month. This would help a lot of people. If possible, placing it twice a week would be wonderful. That would be very beneficial, I even managed to raise more than 3 levels, from 65 to 69 in one day, with only daily quests and a few runs in Festerfang, just because of this event. I believe it would excite many players who are discouraged due to the time it takes to be able to level up. In addition to encouraging players to come back with everything to level, it could also attract the attention of new players, who knows. Well, that's all I have to ask for, and I hope you will answer that request, it would help a lot. Also would give something to do during the quarantine of corona.