So according to STS vial drop rates have not been tweaked at all and y'all gave us those 2x or 4x vial drop events. So my question is rather simple but also I guess sensitive/confidential.
1. Could you reveal the number of vials dropped during the 2x or 4x vial event?
2. Maybe give us some auction information on vial buyers or sellers?

Now I too, myself want to believe that the drop rate of vials has been untouched but since I haven't regularly followed up on vial news I might have missed out when devs must've said that vial drops are nerfed or something. So as a late disclaimer: The things I've said above are just what I believe.

In the case that STS has not nerfed vial drop rates, can someone explain what caused the price to go from 10,000 to 1,000,000?

It is just my dumb theory that there's a group buying up and hoarding all the vials in-game, slowly listing a few at a time for insanely expensive prices? Idk ANYONE who has like a real explanation pls tell me lol.