Hey gang,

Since the addition of the extra couple of forums to the Blackstar section at the top of the main forum page, I've been having problems with the mobile forum skin.

Firstly, the login link wouldn't take me to the login page - it just generated the "loading" circle which endlessly looped. Of course I rebooted my phone, cleared cache etc, but in the end I had to switch back to the normal skin so I could login.

Secondly, the mobile forum skin now won't pop into the correct width for my display - it stays too wide so I have to scroll around. It does sometimes pop into place but only after a few navigations.

So has anyone else noticed this? The mobile skin used to work fine before the addition of the extra Blackstar forums. Perhaps the way the forum is coded has changed?

If a developer could have a look into this, I'd be much obliged.

I'm using an HTC Desire HD running Android 2.2, using the stock Internet browser (2.2 / Webkit 3.1).
