Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
Because grinding (at least some portion of the cap) creates the appropriate community bonds. Simply buying your way to the cap makes your experience a lot less valuable, and your relationship to the avatar(s) and our game considerably weaker. Now I suspect you will want to educate me on how the Platinum path to max level is superior to this decision (and I'm quite eager to read) but you should know that the decision is not at all arbitrary and is based on navigating the ups and downs of games like Arcane Legends over the last twenty(ish) years. :-)
If you truly feel that way then why have a leveling event at all? I don't argue that grinding levels can create bonds between players. But as someone who has been playing this game since the level cap was in the twenties, grinding gets a wee bit old. If you're going to insist on it, why can't you at least give us somewhat of a break so we don't have to grind until our eyes bleed? Why not let the level 71 zedvance at least halfway to the new cap so they can benefit somewhat from this event? I'm not even going to get into the benefits that players get by giving you guys more money directly through Platinum purchases. I understand you all need to make money and you're not doing it for fun. I do think you go too far with the Platinum exclusive benefit sometimes, but again that's completely subjective and I understand that. Seriously though, why don't you cut the level 71 players in on a bit of the fun? I don't think it's going to break the game, and most people by this point already have a large selection of friends... There are other ways to make friends in the game besides incessantly grinding repetitive levels by the way....

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