Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
Enchantments really screwed with elites and gave it a bad rep. I don't like both but i will always be honest and say how Elite PvP without broken enchantments and elite rings/amulets felt somewhat like 50. If the devs don't want to remove/disable one or both then they should create a map dedicated to classic PvP free from elites and Enchantments. If the devs don't want to do that then focus on making 30 honor gear actually playable.

Base stat PvP is biased towards mages. Stats need to be implemented on the gear. I explained this above.
I would love to see all of the chars at 100 hit bears with some high armor and lower dmg so they cant nuke with beck stomp, but they can tank in ffas. Mages being more supports than killers and birds as the killers. Thats for sure.
But lets be honest... That would probably never happen, atleast till someone from PVP players will join sts as PVP managment.