Hello everyone,

How about some class-specific quests? Starting at level 1, in addition to the tutorial, why not have a specific storyline tailored to each race? Players can visit NPCs that teach you about their skills along the way as they level, like game tactics and techniques. The quests don't have to be for all lower level players either. Say, you visit your class instructor once every 5 levels. Rewards for each quest could be money, experience, potions, etc. End rewards would be a special weapon or a vanity item after you complete your training as a enchantress/bear/archer.


for Bear: "Undaunted Warrior" - kill 20 enemies using both "Taunt" and a "Slash" skill. (0/20)
for Bird: "Mean, lean, screamin' machine!" - utilize both "Avian Scream" and "Shattering Scream" on 20 enemies. (0/20)
for Enchantress: "Team Player" - protect and assist your teammates by utilizing both your "Heal" and "Blessing" skills. Heal (0/50) Buffing (0/20)

Also (this has probably been aluded to previously), but the implementation of more daily/hourly quests. This would provide incentives for players to come back and play more often. The quests would give you a big chunk of gold or experience. Allowing the quests to be reset every 4-6 hours or so would allow players of all time zones to complete them at a reasonable time.

Any feedback and critique is great.