Quote Originally Posted by Spooked View Post
Its beyond me how people quit over a camera angle.
Good riddance i suppose. If your only argument is: its more effort to play the game, dont play games at all.
Go sit on a couch or chair and lay down.
Yet it would be helpful if they added a button to have this as a choice, i always believe things like these should be optional, same thing goes for the aura upon inspection feature.
Or maybe do volunteer work like delivering food parcels to people who are shielding from covid like we do in our spare time. Or there's always cleaning your house in real life, getting up and doing some form of exercise.
You don't have to lie down or sit in a chair when you're not playing games.
AL is the only game I play and it's been more so during lockdown which we are currently going through again as of from yesterday.
When you can't meet your family and friends in real life this game helps.
The camera angle was strange at first, even on a phone. Maybe some devices and players can cope better with it.
I wasn't aware it was put in place to deter botters but was put there to enhance the experience of the dungeons.