Right now, this is the element of the game I dislike right now. I'll probably get flamed for this, judging from previous game forums. Bear with me. No pun.

What I think is the problem:
Purely not fair. PvP favours the people with much better equipment and is in my opinion not based on skill (although skill is still needed to be good at pvp). Its rather whether you are a paying player, or an experienced player's dupe with loads of equipment bought from the high level account. This makes the majority of us (experience fitting for level and not paying) almost impossible to compete. I've seen people of the same level three-four hit others of the same level, like myself. Not very fun at all.

My solution
Make pvp with even-ground rules. What I mean is this: instead of having an instant drop, each player gets a choice before entering a game of a pool of weapons, rings, helmets etc, as well as an amount of skill points to spend. The pool would be the same for all players in the specific battle, and include equal amounts of equipment for each class. The items and amount of skill points could be either randomized or decided by host, or fixed for a specific level area. All the equipment would not be permanent, and everything can go back as before once the player leaves the arena.

Why I think its a good idea
It makes pvp completely skill based, assuming individual classes are not overpowered/underopwered. This is not only the skills of actually fighting people, but also of creating effective builds for your character and assigning effective skill points.

It also allows high level players to play with lower levels, since higher levels would not have the advantages of better armor/would/stats anymore. This creates a feasible challenge for lower levels, and also allow them to collect advice from higher levels.

It would put more variety in the game. If you ever wondered what it would be like to play a different version of your character (int bird, str mage etc), you can do so.

It will also allow nonpaying players to get a taste of using paid items like rings, and persuade then to actually spend money to play all the other aspects of the game. This is good for devs, obv. Much like the excellent idea of the devs about the free elixer.

Okay, so thats it. Hit me with all your "newf*g" 's, "you noob" 's and "tl;Dr" 's. On the other hand, actually provide some feedback. I.e. Tell me if there are some gaping holes in the rules.