Yeah but if apple rejects it I dont think sts would make us wait any longer but honestly im sure that if things keep going the way they are with apple they will release it to us first because I dont think they relize how much money they are losing on all the plat sales plus extra content ect but if it dosnt come out this next week i personaly wont even wait anymore lose hope in sts and just look at star legends as another diablo III because this is just rediculous they could atleast open up the beta to all android users regaurdless if verizon or not and I have seen about five comments over all from apple users on here and on the face book page so the majority fan base is android im guessing .and im pretty let down about this whole situation and it dosnt look like the games gona be out before my sons born but them losing one fan wont matter but thanks for reading hope u have a good launch sts when ever that happens anyways