I is just a letter as it is alone, but we are stronger together
Me is so limited compared to 'we'
Mortality loses its meaning when we are together
Our strength comes from the love that we have bonds us
Realizing who we are
Thundering towards enemy
A furious wrath to monsters
Legendary attitude at all times
Soothing help for each other

That is who we are as IMMORTALS

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Pocket Legends,

We have gathered under the guild name of IMMORTAL. We haven’t advertised or announced it yet until today but we have been establishing ourselves during the last month. We are an invite only guild. So, if you know anyone in Immortals and if they give reference for you then you are very welcome to join us. We are not aiming for numbers but more for the quality of harmonious payers.
We are not being elitist but are trying to keep a good group of peopling who are there for each other to have runs and fun together...
We don’t have strict rules and regulations. You can be still free as a bird when you need your own time.

If u are interested visit our group on the forums "Immortals" which you will find a members list. If u are already invited please feel free to add your name.

We will rule together as Goozy is the founder of our guild. We will have a committee to run this Great Guild of IMMORTALS...