Quote Originally Posted by BlazeMystic View Post
My % crit is only just above 10% at the moment, but I have no blue or purple items. Mage gear is IMO pretty rubbish, most of it seems to only increase spell hit chance or spell power; both of which are almost useless. I hope the new armours are better.

I tried out frost blast + flamestorm and yes it does work, but I still find it really hard to aim flamestorm on an iphone screen. I've noticed that my flaming phantom or spirit or whatever its called no-longer shows the neat little flaming orbs around my mage anymore. Must be yet another bug.
Definitely takes getting used to. By moving the 'screen' can move the firestorm without ending it. I found the best way to use it is to hit speed, round em up, freeze, then use that speed to back away quick before firing. I also found a neat little feature, where if you freeze at least one, the 'slowed' enemies will stop with the group when you light off the firestorm.