Quote Originally Posted by Xaphan Fox View Post
Not everyone is coming to this game with an extensive 7 year career in Word of Warcrat top 1% world yada yada. Not all new players will notice the need for support right away.

On the flip side, the engineer, although the only real support class, is also the only real AoE class. Nothing wrong with having a healing engineer and a AoE engineer who can back up the healing engineer.

No content in this game requires more than one healing engineer really anyways. You judging an engineer for not having a certain heal, for example, is just your narrow view of a much broader picture. I also might mention, that since buffs no longer stack, depending on the engineer mate you group with, you might not take that buff at all. He/she already did.

Irregardless, we look for quality people who do not cause drama *first*. The skills can be taught later if it is needed. This game isn't hard. A two minute conversation and a trip to the class forums will solve any issue and make any new player capable of killing you.

Of which: Sparkle Pwnies of the Strawberry Kingdom do not care about leaderboards, until pvp comes out that is. Number of max players, largest guild, LOL even k/d ratio in easy pve content that is easily farmable on easy mode, are all pointless. Requires time, not skill. Bringing it up in here got the attention of some big guilds and made you cry.

Hook. Line. Sinker...

Testament - Victory Engineer
Xaphan - Winner Commando
Entropy - Lowby Operative
bro it's a game, I'm getting some serious nerd vibes from you.
It's you guys posting about your rank on guild leaderboards and we're responding by saying recruiting maxed players and gaining rank isn't impressive. No one else STARTED that topic.