This is something I have done for people across many different games. I am not sure of the market for this kind of thing here, however I figured I would put it out there. Basically, I will (for a fee) create any animated signature/avatar/banner you would like me to. You just tell me what you want to see happen, and I make it happen. The signatures become rather large in size according to how complex a theme, or how fluid an animation. So keep that in mind. Also, STS forums has a fairly small signature size limit, so if you want to use it here, you will probably have to keep the idea super simple. (I have not tested this yet). I will quote you a price due to the complexity of the request. Just provide me these things:

Picture: Give me the link or just post the picture(s) you would like to use.
Schema: Let me know the general feel of the signature you want, or color schemes
Quotes: Just any sayings, quotes, or names you would like on there.
Animation: what would you like animated?

You don't have to supply everything, I am fairly creative, so you can just give me a quote, and I can run with it.

(If you just want a stationary signature or banner, I can do those as well)