I just found out this morning I was deliberately screwed out of a 200k item.

I'm a generally trusting person and don't consider myself naieve. I had a Djinn Sword of Osiris drop for me the other day. I'd never seen it before but instantly figured it to be only a semi rare item as the stats showed it only to be a crit/dodge item.

One of the Pyramid map members quickly hit me up and said hey I have 2 Isis staffs and I'm trying to widen my sale portfolio so cool to do a trade? I responded that I didn't know if it was a fair trade I'd have to get a price check first. He was like nah don't worry it's comparible I'm sure. I had been playing with the guy for a few maps and he seemed alright so I didn't think twice. I was thinking a no-name Osiris item with Horus based stats would be a decent trade with an Isis item. Epic fail.

So I login today and find someone selling it for 200k. I feel like a complete tool. Totally taken advantage of.

This message isn't a pity party, or even wow Addi you should be more careful... It's an attempt to educate those who would be kind hearted and trusting. The half truth kiddies out there I guess live in PL as well. Dishonesty is just complete crap. For those of you scamming, I hope you get yours. For those of you thinking of trusting anybody, get verification before trading or selling items.