Quote Originally Posted by Physiologic View Post
If crit is truly independent of enemy armor, then we should expect to see high double digit damage crits at Guardian, anywhere from 60 to 90, but we don't - all damages including crits are single digits.

Edit: ninja'd...
Yea, that is what I was thinking but wasn't too sure. I am usually busy watching hp bars and whatnot and can't see the damage.

Quote Originally Posted by kamikazees View Post
I'm not quite skilled enough to sit and watch crits on Guardian. Usually I'm too busy trying to stay alive, so I'll leave that to the pros. The good thing for the guide is that regardless of how crits are figured, it should be the same across the board regardless of the implant. That is, the proportion of damage outcomes is likely to remain the same.
Not quite. If you are hitting for 5 or 6 and suddenly crit hits in high double digits as physiologic says (say 60), then that would with 3% crit and 78% hit be round 557.7. If with 6% it'd be around 686, where as any +damage implant wouldn't make much of a difference as the armor would eat it up.
But I am quite sure that crits get reduced by armor so for now for the guardian, your best bet is +hit and a bag of popcorn