I would like to propose some discussion upon this subject.
After every update, there would be a new level cap, and then the so called "hardcore" cap.
In the newest update, this would be level 61. The Developers clearly stated, "and level 61, (for the hardcore)" in the last patch updates.
But now with 4x EXP Elixirs, can we really consider level 61 as hardcore?
Within a full day, many players have already reached the basic level cap and are quickly arriving at the "hardcore" one. These elixirs are given the power to reduce the amoun of EXP needed, all the way down to 4 times. The price is simple, 20 platinum for 30 minutes, etc.
So, I ask you, if this is the hardcore level, why should elixirs be allowed?
This simply takes away ALL the meaning to being hardcore, but rather just buying your way to the "hardcore level". Sure, it is still around 25,000 EXP or so, but that isn't much!
The REAL hardcore is 80,000+ EXP ALL from real hardcore grinding.
Elixirs are there to enhance leveling and speed process; sure, from level 1-60 they are plausible.
But to use them for the "hardcore" level totally takes away the definition.
So I was thinking, ban EXP elixirs for the "hardcore" level and we can see who is ACTUALLY hardcore and who actually deserves the "Crown of Persistence", or these days, "The Crown Of Elixirs".
All other elixirs, go ahead use them. But to those who spend time to earn their rightful level and proudly display such; a simple one day can easily match up to that honor with the help of a few hundred Platinum.
I believe this should stay in General Discussion; it is a more general topic among levels rather than a suggestion itself. I would like to see some opinions, and thoughts on what Elixir Use actually is to you.