Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
I was planning on a sneak peak today but I'm mired in (righteous, totally valid) Quest XP complaints atm :-)

Players with Kraken gears don't want them to drop because it'll kill the resale value. Players without Kraken gears don't want bound ones to drop because they want to merch the loot. Players with and without Kraken gears don't want alternatives to the Kraken gears because varied stats will be seen as "useless" for resale, and "trash" for stashing on other characters - since they already have the best gears, etc., etc. and just need to stash their good stuff if they want to complete the content on another toon.

It's fine logic. I'm good with it.
Ngl the kraken alternatives with varying stats sounds interesting, like in Diablo theres gear that drops with rng stats kinda like awakes in AL but there it comes inherent with the equipment. Honestly the changes you guys made make sense but since the playerbase already got used to easy life in AL made us complacent