In honor of Nigel Tufnel Day, 11-11-11, I suggest that max points for all skills be set to 11.

As a level 60 mage, I have all but a couple maxed, and I'm quite sure probably 90% use exactly the same, 0 points in Frostbite, 1 point in Res, and then select one skill to be 4 or a couple to be 5.

Of course this would be a major overhaul, you'd have to redo all the damage levels etc.

If you just set it to 11 now, you wouldn't have to adjust again. Rather than bump to 6 at 56, then bump to 7 at 71, bump to 8 at 85, etc.

This would allow for different builds rather than everyone being the same. You would have to actually choose to either max a few skills or have all of them at half. Endless possibilities rather than EVERYONE BEING THE SAME.

Personally, I would like to see that last point that maxes a skill count extra. Make having a skill maxed mean something. Make it go to eleven.

Now, you might say, well why can't you just have them go to 10 and make 10 more powerful?
My, answer, is of course, but ours go to 11.