
i would like to share few findings with you. I believe this weapon is bugged and underperforming and needs to be looked at. My sword is at lvl 60 and i have tested it vs various bosses multiple times.

Here is what i think is bugged:
1. Proc in combo with Rage ultimate
- vs Hedourah i could deal 11m damage with proc, 14m damage with proc + ulti, definitely not scaling up. I know proc scales up with ulti, because this combo is working vs some other bosses.

2. Not the same dmg vs bosses
- vs Elite Orrick it deals let's say 20m damage, vs Elite LB Orrick it deals 10m damage. It is the same boss, just LB one has more health points. Even if it had higher armor/mitigation, this sword should ignore all that. Mitigation is replacement for armor, so should be ignored alltogether or not? Here is your statement: proc ignoring armor and here
- i think this sword should deal same damage to all bosses (e. g. about 20m to every single boss in game to make it a good option to the group of other warrior weapons, because currently it tickles bosses)

3. Additional damage is probably not scaled up
- 1st strike deals lets say 10m damage, but additional damage is about 20k, 15k, 13k. Should not it be scaled up? It was even buffed: buffed additional dmg

4. Proc rate was not changed with buff.
-I own this weapon since day 1. Proc chance is same/was same before and after this update: updade

5. It deals 1/5 of spirit aegis damage.
- I know aegis can be used with mythic/force sword but the difference in damage is ridiculous. Sword should be buffed, especially when it is supposed to be a boss killer weapon.

6. Personal wish.
- Huge nerf that happened in past should be reverted back or weapon simply buffed (dmg). Before it was standing out of all weapons, dealt massive damage, while other warrior weapons/ other classes weapons dealt less, so it was nerfed. Later you have buffed hp of elite bosses, introduced arcane gear and everyone could deal high damage, so nerf to this blade lost any "value". Currently it's the weapon with lowest damage from warrior's arsenal from previous cap weapons. Currently every class accumulate about the same damage this sword dealt, one particular class deals a lot higher dmg. I think nerf should be reconsidered and reverted back.

I have videos to show it's performance, i can share them with dev team (even some saw .gifs already)