Overall I think the fix to the incongruity between players with and without full kraken is penalties for being AFK/leaving, bonus perks for playing in pubs, boss fight education, and practice trials.

I just played for around 3 hours and it seems like 1 hour of that was waiting because someone left, died, or didn't join in the first place.
Players will probably stop joining in pubs because of this, and then what? Leave the game because they cant PT.

Access to hard bosses is too easy.

  • no cautions on Standard Runs.
  • 0 normal boss kills required to access elite.
  • no penalties for being afk/leaving.

The boss fight is too hard.

  • Players rarely pt you if you have mid-tier gear or worse (kraken weapon+armor).
  • Players leaving because boss doesn't get 1 shot to 50% hp.
  • When boss doesn't get 1 shotted, it's stressful if you don't understand the fight.
  • 0 damage bonus for exceptional performance (pressing many buttons in succession)[new mechanic].

Other side:
- penalties for being AFK/leaving

  • This will be especially effective at punishing people with good gear for leaving, causing them to not play in pubs. Further reinforcing the divide.

- bonus perks for playing in pubs

  • Interesting..

- boss fight education

  • Nobody cares, just play.

- practice trials.

  • Too much work to implement.