I don t know if i should post it in bugs report, but there are players who looks they are not humans. I tryed run lb event in halloween, but there is no way to do it. I play the game nearly for a whole year, and i m not gonna lie every single event same names, same players. Now i m just asking me, there are real players. Like after an event that requires 4-5k times to do the map, isn t boring ? What you guys use to stay so focus?
Are you using bugs? Have 999% speed set and infinite energy, stats?
So for those who run top 5 leaderboard and they are humans, i recomand spacetime studio to give them some real toys, i don t know what, but something that would make them remember they where in top leaderboard, and be related to the event.
And plus add some human verification, and say they are 100% real.