Quote Originally Posted by Delouis Ball View Post
It's not really StS fault...

Look at most items that raise with time.

Like LB items. Start 1-2b. Now 4b+.

Another thing it being able to hold equity in items waiting for prices to rise.

Platinum eggs are 500k-1m each during event.

Half a year later, they sell at 1.7m each.

I could buy lets say, 2 stacks, and double my gold.

It's simple, and how many people get rich.

I know this will probably get lost in the comments but sometimes when I’m home alone I like to go out in my garden and cover myself with dirt and pretend I’m a carrot.
I don t thing we should compare items from game with something that we get each month in the store. Of course platinum eggs would be cheap when event is, and of course their price would rise after it, because we get only one easter event per year. Same as lb items. But crate keys we get every month in store, rising them to 150 platinum, and after dropped down back to 50, is this thing normal?