When the 2-level restriction was released, I knew that the CS market would take a hit, but I didn't anticipate that it would affect the prices this much. In the past, a couple months ago, new players rarely plays through each dungeon, they often skip the 'appropriate' dungeons for their level and would power-level in AO1, 2 or 3. At that time, merchants, who would check CS regularily, were like CS gods who can easily control the prices in CS easily. It was heaven for merchants at that time. In the current CS market, most of the more common items had dropped 25-40% in market prices or ESRP (Evolt Suggested Retail Price ). It is quite hard to ‘merch’ because the profit margin is quite low now days. One positive though, is that the prices of ‘rare’ items, like Demon Claw, Block Shield, odd-level Swamp rares...etc, went up significantly. However, these are not items that you could really ‘merch’ because it is so rare.

I used to pocket 1 mil a day from CS, but now, I would be lucky if I can pocket 600k. With Hunzzz Guide to Merching, my sales are hurting and I’m getting out of business (the rumors are true, you are trying to get my out of business Hunzzz...)...farming for drops might be better now days than farming CS. My suggestions to all the new merchants out there, spend more time analyzing the market prices for the items you want to ‘merch’, and set your buying prices lower to anticipate any unexpected ‘flooding’ of items. For the players who are collectors as well, ‘merch’ before collect. Prices of non-discontinued items will drop. For me, I don’t have a Gly set to wear for any of my lvl 60 characters, however, I sell and sold many sets already. When a new dungeon releases, as a merchant, although you have gold, spend wisely and try not to rush in buying the Gly set for 10 mil...I know a player that did this...if you are the type of person that would line up overnight to buy a new PS4 or iPad 4G, then please overspend on the newest items.

The devs should create a ‘Out Of Business’ vanity shield and I would definitely buy it! I’m heading that way anyways...how do other players feel about the ‘new’ CS?