I will admit that it is our job as Engineers to provide healing and reviving, as well as optional defense buffs if you thankfully accept that we provide it at all. (No need to bash one's play style if it can still benefit you and the entire party, and keep the run going at no problem. According to a small study done by some dedicated members and simple acceptance, people reject or flame when they get a Protection buff.)

But anyway... to my main point.

I cannot heal someone who is getting pummeled by over 7 enemies on Slouch-o's. But I will try my best. As long as a fight is going on, my heal is on constant cast. And I will even risk gaining aggro by using Tranference to give you that faster heal. That is the best I can do. Please don't bark at us that we're not healing right. Empathy comes in waves with a waiting time, not instantaneous, and on top of that, it doesn't have a very far reach. Yes, I do run next to the dying member of the party and back and forth, or try to position myself so that there can be the maximum benefit of casting Empathy.

Just please be aware that when people in your party are trying their best and you still die, you have no one to blame. Because you cannot afford stims, refused to use them or did not readily prepare yourself to bring any is not my responsibility.

Dedicated engineers will revive and heal without you having to say something rude. Thank your engineers. In my opinion, we are the most imperative luxuries, if not necessities in a party.