Hey people of SL! I haven't made a build guide before for PL or SL, so I'm gunna give it a go with the hopes that if you're indecisive about how to play your Commando, or are just looking for more info, this can help ya out.



Ok, here are some explanations for the skills I use.

Skills at lv6:
Neutron Stomp: great AOE and knockdown, I use this often
Gravity Well: major crowd control, maxing = more pull
Singularity: another great AOE attack, with knockback and knockdown
Growing Rage: amazing 15 second 60% crit buff, increases offense a ton

Other skills I use:
Force Hammer: good single target taunt for bosses, part of a multi-class combo
Graviton Slam: great AOE speed reducer +taunt, part of a multi-class combo
Back Breaker: decent attack and self-combo with Neutron Stomp, extremely short cooldown
Kinetic Resevoir: with this M/s boost you'll never use Power Packs; level 2 recommended (lv2 is +5 M/S, lv6 is +10 M/s)

Skills I do not use:
Vigor: not useless, but I prefer to rely on Stims and Engi's healing
Increase Mass: again not useless, but I rely on dodge to tank
Nebula: I question the usefulness of this skill; the damage seems lacking
???: nobody knows what the last skill is, duh



First, what I wear. I know most people have the same thing, but whatever.

-Meganaut set (currently upgrading to custom)
-Dodge implant (vital to my tanking)
-Grav Ripper (or rifle at difficult bosses)

Now, my skill set-up and how I play.

I use my Slot 1 setup most of the time, mostly for regular mobs. You have your 3 lv6 AOE skills for crowd-control, and the Kinetic Resevoir for minimum Power Pack usage. I also will swap to Slot 2 to buff myself with Growing Rage, which works wonders, considering how many mobs you'll be critting on at once. This set-up allows you to tank with Dodge/Crowd-Control, and also deal some decent damage.

For bosses, I use mainly Slot 2, with some Slot 1. You have your good single target taunts here for keeping aggro no matter what weapon you have, and the Growing Rage buff of course. I also will use the taunts from Slot 1 if I need more help keeping aggro with a good team; I often use some powerpacks here because I'm spamming most of my skills.



Overall this is how I would describe my build:

A dodge-centered tank which maximizes AOE offense and has many additional taunts, all while using a low amount of Power Packs. Because of the lower armor than other tanks, and the lack of Vigor, I use a lot more Stims, which is a slight drawback.

In a team, I take aggro through my crowd-control, grouping the mobs too for optimized efficiency. During boss battles, I take and keep aggro, because that's my job. Duh.


So there you go! I hope it helps if you're a new player, or if you haven't played as a Commando yet. This is informative, and while I'm not suggesting this is the best build, it is one which works extremely well. Feedback is appreciated, as I always love discussing technical nitty-gritty and playing styles with people.


P.S.- sorry if you're on a computer and the format looks weird, I use my iPhone for everything and all I know is that it looks good on here.