When I heard you can now craft nuri gear in PL, I ran over to see what it looked like. Very impressive looking, imo. I was thinking, awesome, now I can have something to work towards! Then I see you can buy the recipes with plat.

Now I'm kinda back at square one. I dunno if I like the recipes being obtainable so easily.. It takes away from a certain aspect of the game.. makes the crafted set already feel less coveted. Why farm for hours for a whole set of recipes when it only cost $10 to have enough plat to buy them all? Is PL gonna go the same way as SL, in that you can just buy recipes and have a crafted set on day three of new content like 10 guildmates and countless others did? Will there eventually be plat versions of endgame gear, ala SL, that is just as good and most often cooler looking? I'm just wondering whats next for PL in terms of platinum purchases. It seems there's not much left that isn't charging plat or giving the option to pay plat in the game now, and with the daily deals and everything It seems plat is becoming more and more a must have currency in the game to compete with other plat users.
