Hey STS,

In my past experience with games most developers usually test updates, additions, patches, and/or new releases of their games in house and then do a beta version test with selected users prior to release of a live version. They do this to gather input and make adjustments to the game prior to release so they don't make mistakes or implement something that has a negative effect on their game. However, I don't see STS doing any of this. It appears on the surface that you decide the game needs something, either a change or an addition enhance gameplay and move forward with it. Lot's of the stuff you implement is great, but there is some that really isn't (GCD, part of the new UI, some of the new sounds in SL) and could be avoided if you just asked some of the players first.

I applaud your efforts, but don't you think having some sort of user testing prior to release of any update would be beneficial to both parties?