Quote Originally Posted by modredd View Post
STS in the past has always respected our voice,I can't believe one player was thinking its been a month, time for a Lvl increase?
They have not said much since they made this announcement and that speaks volumes!
Devs are sleeping, right? How about we just push it back to January or Feburary as players once thought, is the only reason that it's being released within the "Halloween season" simply because the genre is so similar? Vampires = Halloween sure I get that but 55-56 gets ~7 months (one week shy of) and 60-61 gets ~2 months, that I don't get at all. STS has already proved they are not above recycling content so why rush the cap increase simply because the vibe is halloween oriented? I'd hope they listen to everyone's voice, but I fear the minority don't spend on elixirs and may not have a fair representation in this debate. Most of the alread 61 levels are only upset over the in game currency lost due to the recent announcement, so if that's they're only hang up on the issue pretty sure STS will forge on.