F3ar is a new Guild founded by me Opticscopez. I started off with me and one other person who liked the idea of making a guild, within a few minutes we had a few more people in the guild! I specialise fighting and being active and having lots of knowledge in the game as well as being helpful to my recruits, I try to make my recruits push themselves to the limit to try and be the best. At F3ar, I let people have their chance to shine. We don't want this guild to be worthless, soon it will be at the top. We are good guild friends with Neon Genesis, and in my guild the rules are quite simple really: Be friendly, helpful, kind and respect what people have to say, I will never force someone to do what they don't want to do. If you are interested in joining send me a friend request and I will try and speak to you straight away, then you will be a member of my guild!