I dont know how sts is going to do in SL for halloween event.
Scaled drops too I guess? If they do same kind of event.

In PL got twinks at 10, 20, 30,... mains at 51 and 60.
But in SL got no twinks prepared, since theres nothing to twink like ultra good items in pve or plat at low lvl or pvp atm...
But I might prepare some as soon we know more about possible drops.

We can assume there will be some pinkies, probably scaled and really rare.
But I suppose if they introduce more pinkies, theyll have to increase the drop rate a bit in SL. Have only 1 drop pink since it was release here sadly.
So if there were sets... imagine the pain to hunt lol.

Maybe theyll do something different. Or Just some different vanities drops/quests? No pink?

So who has prepared for the event?
How many avatars at different lvls have u prepared and ready to hunt just in case of?
what do you think we will get?