I told anarchy I didn't want his guild and to give ne back ops boots and arms and no deal and he still wanted to give ne guild and I said no lots of times and he said he is calling me for scam which I didn't he has my boots and arm and his friend space has the gm but he said still your a scamed and I didn't im really mad about this I don't want to get banned even check the chat im not gility please don't kick me I love this game but I can't believe he would this kind of thing I said no but he wants my vanity "zany" I said no but he wants it and if I don't he is calling all devs and his friends to banned me and o don't want to this game is the pride and joy I have and this is my life :'( don't kick me please I beg u if I have to really give vanity I will but I see no reason why