Customs cost 100k to make at lvl 35 and 60k to make at lvl 30 lol, idk where you've been buying your recipes! xD

I did wish there was at least a color change for the 20k I spent for +1 int. and +5 health when customizing my torches.
Not to mention the big name change for customs lolol.
I love the new update and I love all the touch ups sts does with this game I think it's VERY well put together, but I do agree with these points.
A slightly better upgrade for the new expensive customs would be great, I mean I've died a good 400+ times in the Shipyard.
Shipyard came out what, the 16th?
I know I'm an engineer and all but I like to carry aggro for more that 0.2 seconds, and since I'M THE ONE who's always rushing and being waited on to plow into mobs first about 98% of the time. A good armor upgrade would be greatly appreciated not just for customs but the whole lvl35 set. If not that, drop the critical hit percent enemies have in SY, touch of transference=instant death in a mob. Even the mines have critical damage and kills you 3/4 times. I lovvvveee the new engineer gloves, but I can not use them at all in the Shipyard cause that drops my armor to like 500+ even with the Dura implant I had to switch to from my crit implant I love so much. That means nothing, when with whistler and energy shield I have over 700+ armor and I'm dying just as much.

Again, I love SL and think it's put together so well, all the updates and stuff make sense and it's super fair,
but these are somethings worth looking at imo.
ESPECIALLY the non-existent color change on the customized weapons overall, I mean C'mon ;] ahahaha just playing.