ok ill start first, i'll just omit the costumes

Halloween packs: (in chronological order, bought 7 packs)

Flaming Pumpkin Shield
Pirate Hat
Swashbuckler Hat
Witch's Broom Halloween (pink lvl20)
2011 Witch Hat
Haunted Doll Halloween (pink lvl20)
Devil's Pitchfork Halloween (pink lvl20)

Halloween farming:
Fiendish Haunted Doll (pink lvl20, lvl50)
Fiendish Witch's Broom (pink lvl20 x 2)
Ghoulish Black Cat Shield (pink lvl20, lvl25)

I'm glad I haven't get any repeat and also got the Devils pitchfork from the packs, gonna re-consider to buy more plats to get the devil horn and zombie head

And I still havent farmed any pink chunkers yet!