so i was thinking it would be cool idea for a competition, because the developers are going to start advertising hardcore once 1.3 comes out, i was hoping that eventually they will have T-shirts available to buy and most video game merchandise is pretty boring, mostly everything just has the symbol of the video game and thats it.

i will judge this competition and try and get the devs to judge also, im not quite sure what the prize will be yet, maybe if the devs are down with the idea they might give the winner a free shirt or sumthin...

anyways if you would like to submit a design you could draw it by hand or get a image of a plain shirt and use a program like photoshop to edit it.

feel free to use any symbols such as the pocket legends logo e.t.c (i dont see the harm if your not making a profit from it)

i look forward to seeing some cool designs.

IMPORTANT: the design can be either on the front or back of the shirt, not both sides... (cheaper to print shirts if the devs decide to)

one submission per person