So the other day i began playing SL, after grinding countless alts to the PL cap, I really cbf to do so on SL, I will be buying lots of 3X exp and 100% Re-Rolls, for the 4 people who boost me, all Epics, Legends, whatever, will be given to you. I really could care less about drops, im buying all 30+ plat gear once i hit 30, then i'll go from there. I just want to be level 30 so i can finish the low, boring levels of the game. I know enough about it that its not going to be enraging to work with me.

Yes, this is just about the lamest thing you can ask. But quite frankly, I don't feel like grinding levels ^^. I find the endgame much more pleasing.

EDIT: If your wondering, my old STS usn was "Eye C" and my SL char is a level 14 engi.