Quote Originally Posted by WhoIsThis View Post
Do we need more GoAs at this point? On one had, it's good that there are absolute standards ... on the other, to be honest, I am not very enthusiastic about the program. I don't think that it's aim of getting more useful posts on the forums has been accomplished. I agree with Physiologic's point that the program is better off scrapped altogether and the Guardians just senior members once again. It's not like the forums would suffer because of it.

The other is that the first 2-3 generations of GoAs were players that were outstanding. After that ... I get the overwhelming feeling that the quality of the GoAs declined with each generation. There were a few people that actively tried to get it (and it was pretty obvious) that did get it. Not gonna name names of course. The end result has been that the Guardian is no longer something worth striving for IMO.

In that sense, I'm glad the interest for this program has died down steadily.
