I've looked on forums and found something similar, but not exactly the same as my problem.

I am unable to join or host to start a new map, or go to base or next after finishing a level.
The first time I do, I disconnect with a message "Failed to connect to Star Legends game servers. Please check your internet connection."

I click OK and am able to log back in and then can host or join or go to base. But the next time I try to go to any other map, the same thing happens again. Same message. Reconnect and I can get one map done, or go to base and take care of business.

My wife plays and has a problem where she has to log in a few times to start, but then is able to play. Looks like an iOS issues with iPad (according to forums). But that lets me know its not a wifi issue. And my triggering event is very consistent. I play on a Xoom and have occasional disconnects besides this issue. But I verified it happens with several toons and different maps.

I have uninstalled. Downloaded and reinstalled several times. Rebooted several times, and verified my system has latest updates.

This has been happening since the last SL update.

Spacetime help!!

I miss my Star Legends:-)