Hey guys I haven't played pocket legends in a long time and I am here for some advice. So I log on after who knows how long and I find a lovely founders helm and shield of gratitude in my stash. I think I know what I got them for after looking on the forums, but now I'm getting off topic. My main character is a Pure Str Tank Bear. I know going pure str is never a wise choice according to many, but back then I thought it was cool. I only wanted to tank so my hit% or DPS didn't really mean much to me. All I wanted was more health h/s and armor. Like I said all I want to do is tank. It has occurred to me that aggro usually goes to the person who has the most DPS or basically whoever is damaging them the most. So I'm wondering if I would be a better tank by raising my Dex so I output more damage therefore gaining more aggro.

What do you guys think? All I want to do is maintain aggro and keep them bunched up which is why I'm currently pure strength.