So there's the dilemah of how to have a guild that benefits from player activity without having the problem of the dreaded nyuk nyuk that joins, cleans out guild shared assets, then either hops to a diff guild, or just bails altogether. One of those spur of the moment things but I like the idea, as does a friend of mine I'd pitched it across.

Basic concept is if you're in a guild a portion of your xp and in game credits (NOT the pay to get currency) is auto-deducted... and is used to buy guild specific stuff... which amounts to a nicer place/more guild shops, and auto-buffs if everyone in an instance is in the same guild.

IE ten percent of credits earned per kill/quest get auto-deducted and put against a running tally for a guild's level. Whenever the guild levels up you get either a nicer meeting area (similar to what you can get for dropping platinum already,) shop/buff stations (or just more options in the existing ones,) and other indirect bonuses.

Could even, if say three or more people in an instance are in the same guild those people get a stat/xp buff similar to what's avalible from the Enhancers (and can be stacked on top of by the enhancers)... or just a plain stat/armor buff that then goes away five minutes after the guildies disperse.

I don't have any specifics, and don't feel i know enough to offer specifics, but I wanted to get the idea out for discussion before I lost it. Key here is any enhancements are indirect (shops, group buffs) or purely cosmetic (guild area) rather than a direct war chest anyone can pull from/monkey with/game to their advantage.

Should also include a Donate button in the guild hall (or in the guild tab of the avatar/inventory/friends screen) so you can donate huge chunks of credit at a time. Friend of mine suggested you can get back based on a percentage of total guild assets if you want to leave, but no. Huge blinking flashing letters on this one. N. O. No.

Money put into guild goes into the guild improvement pool. Nobody can get it back. Once it's in it's gone. Not even the guild leaders could access it. Non-transferrable. It's a ginat pit you throw credits in and get buffs/group perks for. I'm wanting to be very clear on that. Allowing people to tinker with guild assets is how drama gets going. Allowing people to dump Platinum/real world cash on guild assets causes drama from having the have-nots accuse the haves of buying what amounts to permanent buffs if you have a group of guildies in an instance.

With that said. There's only so much that can be done to mitigate drama from causing a guild to death spiral and people will complain. There will, under this idea, be complaints about 'i donated/put more hours/etc more than you'. It's inevitable that there will be complaints. I just don't want mechanics that exasperate it.