I don't know about you, but I am becoming more and more disgusted at how many "men" today do not work. I put the word "man" in quotes because if you do not work, you are not a man. I'm not talking about men who do not work because they are financially stable and do not need to work. Nor am I referring to men who are retired or elderly.

No, you know EXACTLY to whom I am referring. These "men" choose not to work. These are the bottomfeeders of society. Simply put, and this bears repeating, if you do not work, you are not a man.

Even lower on the humanitarian food chain are "men" who do not work and yet have responsibilities that require them to work. Like a wife. Or children. Or bills. You get the message. You know what I am saying. You may not like it or agree with it, and if so, you are touched in the head. Bottom line is (to repeat for the third time): If you do not work, you are not a man.

Some fools use words such as "hard-core" to refer to "men," when, in reality, these "men " are nothing more than little boys who have not yet grown up. They are children in adult bodies. You want somebody who is hard-core, show me a father who gets up at 5AM to work the first of two jobs to provide for his children. Show me the dad who works, day in and day out, at a job he hates because if he doesn't work, his family doesn't eat.

THAT is hard-core. THAT is being a man.

Now, some of you "men" may feel justified in not working. Here are three of the most-common excuses I have heard:

1. THE ECONOMY IS BAD. And your point is? Look, here's the bottom line. If you don't have a job, your job is to get a job. That means, if you would be working for eight hours a day, your job search should last you at least eight hours a day. Treat your job search as if it were your job, and you'll get a job sooner than you think.

2. I'M LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT JOB. What does that mean? You know what the "right" job is? The "right" job is a job that pays the bills. You may not be happy at your job. Who cares? Yes, look for a job that gives you happiness, but do so when you have a job, not in place of it. I have done many jobs others would consider demeaning. I've worked at McDonalds and in a sewer. I've laid bricks and shoveled ****. I didn't have time to wait for the right job. I had a little boy who needed formula and diapers. This cost money. So, I did what I had to do to provide for my family.

Now, I'm financially well off, but that wasn't always the case. There is no disgrace in doing undesirable work. The only disgrace is in not working.

3. I DON'T HAVE TO WORK. This comes, not from those who really do not have to work, but from teenage boys and childish men. Parents, by not having your son working as early as 13, you are hurting your boy. Boys who have too much free time on their hands (especially around summertime) get into trouble. You want to get your kid off drugs, out of gangs, and off the street corner, get this boy to work. You get this boy working in the summer for 40 hours a week, he'll be too tired to get into trouble. Plus, you're preparing him for manhood.

Girls, if you are dating a boy who is not working or trying to work, DUMP HIM! He's a LOSER! If he's not working now, and you're not even married to him, what do you think will happen when you do marry him? I don't care if he's SOOOOOOOO cute (that fades quickly), SOOOOOOOOOOO good in bed (if there's no ring and no date, don't have sex with him), and SOOOOOOOOOOO smart (if he's that smart, why isn't he working), if he's not working and not trying to work, dump his lazy a$$. If you settle for a snake, don't be surprised when you get bit.

And for those of you women out there married to losers like these so-called men, dump their degenerate a$$e$. I am all in favor of patience and forgiveness, and I am all for mercy and compassion, but the bottom line is that a man who does not work is not a man. A man who does not work is useless. Get rid of this loser. If he's at home and you're working, what is wrong with this picture?

And so, in conclusion, I would like to reiterate the following:

* A man who does not work is not a man.
* There is no disgrace in doing undesirable work. The only disgrace is in not working.
* Girls should avoid and Women should dump boys or men who do not work.